Senate Archives



1974 S.3343 Interstate Railroad Act of 1974 Bill - "... a bill to designate a national network of essential rail lines; to require minimum standards of maintenance on rail lines; to provide Federal financial aid for rail rehabilitation; to establish rights of access by rail carriers to rail lines and facilities, and for other purposes." (S 3343 4-10-1974.pdf) 3.612MB

1973 S.1031 Essential Rail Services Act of 1973 Bill - "... a bill to designate a national network of essential rail lines; to require minimum standards of maintenance on such lines; to create a not-for-profit corporation to acquire and maintain rail lines in the Northeast; to provide financial assistance for rehabilitation of rail lines; and for other purposes." (S 1031 2-27-1973.pdf) 6.394MB

1972 S.4017 Regional Railroad Rights of Way Authority Act Bill - "... a bill to allow the establishment of regional rail roadbed authorities to take ownership of the roadbed of bankrupt railroads and to issue revenue bonds to aid in the recapitalization of bankrupt railroads." (S 4017 9-21-1972.pdf) 1.509MB

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This page updated 4-18-2011