Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Archives
(Includes subsidiaries through the 1973 acquisition by C&O)
Block and Station Record of Train Movements and Operator's Transfer
Daily Locomotive Service Records
Freight Working Book #20 (Freight Schedules, Classification, Connections) Effective 8-1-1957 (with updates to 3-16-1958) Reprint (B&O Freight Schedule 8-1-1957.pdf) 7.831MB
CDT-73 C&O / B&O Switching Instructions For the Guidance of Engine, Train and Yard Service Employes 8-1-1964 (B&O CDT-73 8-1-1964.pdf) 8.801MB
System Map 1958 Front (B&O System Map 1958 Front.pdf) 11.821MB
US Map 1958 Back (B&O US Map 1958 Back.pdf) 23.276MBMap No. 1-B C&O - B&O Study I, Cincinnati 5-12-1961 (B&O-C&O Cincinnati Map 5-12-1961.pdf) 994K (Scanning Courtesy Steven Titchenal Rails & Trails
Galatea, OH T&OC-B&O Interchange Map 9-30-1911 Revised 4-27-1942 (B&O-T&OC Galatea Jct Map 4-27-1942.pdf) 5.764MB
Valuation Maps
Akron-Chicago Division Wheeling-Lorain Line, V-122.4/12, MP 60 (Uhrich Jct.) 6-30-1918 Rev. 9-21-1972 (B&O CL&W MP 60.pdf) 16.014MB
See Also
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Historical Society (
Page updated 1-16-2023