Proposed amendment to Ohio HB 128-166/SB SB 128-121 "Transportation Innovation Authorities"


Ohio House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Members

Transportation Innovation Authorities Legislation:

Ohio House Bill 128-166


Support of and Potential Amendment for HB 166 6-17-2009 (OH House Trans Committee 6-17-2009x.pdf) 62KB


1) Maximum Ohio Rail Network Map (Ohio Max 600 Letter.pdf) 256KB
2) 2004 Ohio Rail Network Map (Ohio 600 400 Now Letter.pdf) 193KB
3) ODOT Maximum vs. Active Rail Network Map (ODOT Active Abandoned Rail Map 5-2008.PDF) 685KB
4) ODOT 21st Century Transportation Priorities Task Force Final Report 1-2009 pp. 50-51 2.5MB
5) H.B. No. 2 As Instroduced vs. Introduced vs. Am. Sub. H.B. No. 2 (HB 2 Comps.pdf) 38KB
6) Ohio Turnpike Commission Passenger Car Vehicle Miles Traveled Rolling 12 Months as of 3-31-2009 (OTC Car Traffic 4-27-2009.pdf) 28KB
7) Ohio Turnpike Commission Commercial Vehicle Miles Traveled Rolling 12 Months as of 3-31-2009 (OTC Truck Traffic 4-27-2009.pdf) 28KB
8) Proposed Amendment to HB 128-166/SB 128-121 ³Transportation Innovation Authorities² Authorizing the Ohio Turnpike Commission to Additionally Engage in Multiple Modes of Surface Transportation Using OTC¹s Public Turnpike Business and Governance Model - Required Revisions to the Ohio Revised Code c.5-24-2009 (TIA Amendment 5-24-2009.pdf) 353KB

Supplemental Testimony:

Testimony Addendum for HB 166 11-18-2009 (including attachments 11-2009 Trains Magazine Larry Gross opinion, 10-31-2009 Ohio Turnpike Commission Traffic and Revenue Report, and 11-9-2009 Wisconsin rail line restoration project using a quasi-public railway turnpike model) (OH House Trans Comm 11-18-2009OL.pdf) 3.446MB


Ohio Senate Highways and Transportation Committee Members

Transportation Innovation Authorities Legislation:

Ohio Senate Bill 128-121


Support of and Potential Amendment for SB HB 121 8-30-2009 (OH Senate Trans Committee 8-30-2009x.pdf) 66KB


1) Maximum Ohio Rail Network Map (Ohio Max 600 Letter.pdf) 256KB
2) 2004 Ohio Rail Network Map (Ohio 600 400 Now Letter.pdf) 193KB
3) ODOT Maximum vs. Active Rail Network Map (ODOT Active Abandoned Rail Map 5-2008.PDF) 685KB
4) ODOT 21st Century Transportation Priorities Task Force Final Report 1-2009 pp. 50-51 2.5MB
5) H.B. No. 2 As Instroduced vs. Introduced vs. Am. Sub. H.B. No. 2 (HB 2 Comps.pdf) 38KB
6) Ohio Turnpike Commission Passenger Car Vehicle Miles Traveled Rolling 12 Months as of 3-31-2009 (OTC Car Traffic 4-27-2009.pdf) 28KB
7) Ohio Turnpike Commission Passenger Car Vehicle Miles Traveled Rolling 12 Months as of 5-31-2009 (OTC Cars Report 6-17-2009.pdf) 28KB
8) Ohio Turnpike Commission Commercial Vehicle Miles Traveled Rolling 12 Months as of 3-31-2009 (OTC Truck Traffic 4-27-2009.pdf) 28KB
9) Ohio Turnpike Commission Commercial Vehicle Miles Traveled Rolling 12 Months as of 5-31-2009 (OTC Trucks Report 6-17-2009.pdf) 28KB
10) Proposed Amendment to HB 128-166/SB 128-121 ³Transportation Innovation Authorities² Authorizing the Ohio Turnpike Commission to Additionally Engage in Multiple Modes of Surface Transportation Using OTC¹s Public Turnpike Business and Governance Model - Required Revisions to the Ohio Revised Code c.5-24-2009 (TIA Amendment 5-24-2009.pdf) 353KB



See also-

Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5537 Ohio Turnpike Commission
Ohio Turnpike Commission


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Page updated 8-7-2009